Pregnancy : How To Deal With Monsoon Pregnancy 

Welcome to one of the most romantic seasons In India. Sitting near the window and sipping your favourite drink could be your favourite thing to do in the rain. But, during pregnancy you might feel a little uncomfortable during monsoons. 

Here, are a few tips to remain healthy and safe and enjoy the weather to the fullest : 

Eat Healthy and Nutritious Diet 

You might be craving all the street food during pregnancy. But, it’s a strict “NO”. It is advisable to eat home cooked and healthy food. Eating out could be a little unhygienic in this weather. 

 Stay Hydrated 

It is very important to stay hydrated during pregnancy and especially during monsoons. Please try and increase your water intake. It is a natural source to help you give relief from headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, etc. 

Light Clothes 

Well, it is advisable to wear light and clothes made up of cotton throughout your pregnancy. But, especially during monsoons, try and wear good quality cotton clothes. Excessive humidity and sweating can result in a lot of discomfort during pregnancy. 


Make sure that your surroundings are clean and there is no water stagnation anywhere. You should keep yourself safe from mosquitos and do not let them breed in water. Use nets, sprays, meshes, etc. 

Do let us know some of your monsoon pregnancy tips.