Breastfeeding 101: 10 Rules On How To Survive The First Month In Breastfeeding 

Welcome to the world of breastfeeding. While it is a beautiful experience for many, it isn’t always easy. Breastfeeding – is the most natural thing in the world, yet it can be really confusing. 

So, here we are happy to share 10 tips to survive the first month of breastfeeding. 

Invest in a Nursing friendly Shirt 

You would definitely need this. While breastfeeding you may want a little more privacy and nursing friendly dresses, tops, shirts, gowns etc. will be your saviour. 

Find the best Nursing cover 

Breastfeeding moms should feel free to feed their babies anywhere. Your little one can be hungry anytime and the nursing cover will help you save time and day. You will feel the most comfortable. 

Feeding on demand 

Many people choose to feed every 3-4 hours. But, try and feed your baby when he/she demands. You will get to know when the baby is hungry. The most common signs are crying and smacking the lips together. 

Stay Hydrated

It is really essential to stay hydrated when you are breastfeeding. Your body is working extra hard and drinking water is the key to producing more milk. Plus it also helps in shredding the extra baby weight you have gained. 

Ask for help or Support 

Do ask for help. After giving birth to a child, the body needs rest and breastfeeding is just like a workout. So, whenever you are tired, do not shy away from asking for help. 

Massage your breast 

Use your fingertips to lightly massage your breast before pumping. Massage near the nipples and around them. This will help to produce more milk and will give some relief to your sore breast. 

Feed while Laying down 

It is important for the mother as well to have a comfortable position while feeding the child. So, choose your position and there is no harm in laying down while feeding. 

Pump and save 

Technology is helping us every single day. Make the most of it. Use breastfeeding pumps and save your milk. 

Whether you decide to breastfeed, pump feed, bottle feed or formula feed. Remember you are an amazing mother and you are doing the best for your child. 

Mother knows the best 🙂