Infertility: Still A Taboo?

We live in the 21st century and have mastered our ways in almost every single thing. But, guess what, we still don’t talk about certain things which are totally equal to talking about politics in our day to day life. One such most important topic is Infertility – yes, seems as if it is taboo to talk about it. 

Not talking about it gives rise to funny yet serious myths. So, here we are to talk about something you all really need to know. 

A few crazy fallacies you must know about INFERTILITY

A girl should see the doctor

While targeting women in almost every single area society keep on targeting the women for infertility too. But, Hey hold on, infertility affects men & women equally. PERIOD.

A man’s age doesn’t matter

We can’t stop rolling on the floors. Really? While it is true that women’s fertility does get impacted as they age, so does men’s. As men age, so do their sperms as well. Please read. Reading gives you vast knowledge about things. 

Contraceptives do not lead to Infertility

Please talk to your gynaecologist and she will help you understand things better because contraceptives like IUD’s, morning pills, ECP’s etc. are important to have a safe and timely pregnancy. The myth that the use of contraceptives leads to infertility discourages women to not have them and thus planning a baby majorly becomes an accident. And accidents are not happy sometimes. 

Breastfeeding doesn’t always mean Birth Control

Partially true. Although we have been hearing that while you breastfeed and are period free. It doesn’t mean that you have no fertility chances. This is because the breastfeeding journey is different for every mother. So, do not rely on your breast milk. 

Health does affect Infertility

Sorry to disappoint you but your health is most important and could be the reason for you being infertile. This stands true for both men and women both. 

If you still are not clear we would really recommend you meet your doctor and get a reality check. We are happy to hear your stories and help.