Baby’s First Winter: Here’s A Guide to follow

Many Congratulations for your bundle of joy ! And double congratulations to you for being new parents. Being a new parent you might have a lot of questions and that’s pretty normal. 

Especially for new moms, you’ll probably get a little crazy with your little one, especially during the winter season. And if it is your baby’s first cold weather then you will probably have a lot of panic attacks. 

Here we are to help you to take care of your newborn in winters : 

Oiling is a must

Cold and dry air might suck all the moisture from your baby’s skin and make it dry and flaky. It is very important to keep their skin moist and for that massaging in winters is a must. Make sure that you massage your little bundle of joy at least two times in a day. Also, oiling makes their bones strong. You can use warm coconut oil to massage their soft skin. 

Sun kissed

Sunlight is an essential source of Vitamin D. It will help their bones to become stronger and boost their immunity. Let the sunlight give them some natural warmth. 

Layering is the key

Dress your newborns in layers. It will help to keep them covered and warm enough. Also, do not put too much layering. As advised by the doctors, newborns require only one more layering that you. Use rompers, fleece jackets, warm blankets, swaddles etc. 


Winter is a season of a lot of diseases. First winters are very important and also crucial. Make sure you follow the baby’s vaccination card and get the shot in time. 

Use a humidifier instead of a heater

Plug into a humidifier in your baby’s nursery when he sleeps at night. Avoid using the heater as much as you can because it can dry up babies skin. Humidifier helps to keep the moisture in the air intact. 

Don’t forget your own self

Do not forget to take care of your own self. That’s the most important thing. Keep yourself covered and avoid any kind of outside food or cold things. Eat right and drink warm. 

Also, don’t forget to cuddle your baby. Your body is the biggest warmth you can provide to your newborn.