Sore Nipple While Breastfeeding: Tips And Tricks 

This is the most common problem faced amongst new mothers. The main cause of “sore nipples” is when your baby is not able to latch properly. For every new mother, it is really difficult to understand how to position the baby while breastfeeding. 

Don’t worry you will definitely find the way out. 

Here are a few tips on how to prevent and heal your sore nipples : 

  1. Consult a lactation expert. They will help you and your baby to get along while breastfeeding. 
  2. Keep changing the breast side. Offer your baby a less sore nipple. 
  3. Give yourself and your baby some time. Your baby’s sucking will gradually become less forceful after a few minutes. 
  4. Let your nipples air dry between feedings. 
  5. Apply your own breast milk on the sore nipples. They help the nipples heal naturally. 
  6. Wash your nipples with warm water. 
  7. Do not use padded bras lined with plastic. 
  8. Apply coconut oil around the sore nipples to help them soothe. 
  9. Change your nursing pads frequently as soon as they become damp. 
  10. Consult your doctor if you see any redness, spot or hard painful lump on your breast.