Teachers’ Day 2021: Why Mothers Are Our First Teacher

Mothers play all roles – from being the best chef to doing laundry and handling technical things at home, moms in Covid times have got another duty. With schools being closed, home learning has become the need of the hour and even if moms feel like they are lost, they have to be the best home teachers for their children and this teacher’s day 2021, our tribute is for our favourite teachers – mothers.  

Mothers are our first teachers and it starts from the minute one lands into this world. From teaching us to take our first burp, our first step to teaching us how to poop, a mom teaches us all.

A few teachings our mothers taught us, that no one ever could have.

Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you

Our mothers taught us to be independent, self-sufficient and made us believe in ourselves. Sometimes due to circumstances, children are bound to believe many things, mothers tell us to push our limits and achieve the impossible.

To be kind and compassionate

Mothers are the epitome of love, affection, patience and perseverance. When the world goes wrong, mothers teach us to be kind and compassionate towards each human being.

Respect everyone

This is one of the first things our moms teach us. They teach us to respect those around us, regardless of age, race, or social condition. As a child, we learn and begin to respect our parents first. This happens because we see them respect us and our simple choices, be it licking the cream off of the biscuit first and then eating it or wearing a shirt underneath the dress. They respect our choices and love us for who we are. The same aspect applies to life when we grow up. We learn that we need to give respect in order to earn it.

This Teacher’s Day 2021, we wholeheartedly thank our first teachers; our moms for not only being our guardian but our angels in disguise.

Happy teacher’s day to all.