Sex During Pregnancy: Safe Or Unsafe

The pandemic, restrictions, mood swings, cravings, irritability and above all a myth – you can’t have sex during pregnancy! No, that would actually be the last thing momz-to-be in these times would want to listen.

Fortunately, no sex in pregnancy is a myth, though there are plenty of guidelines for sex during pregnancy a clear answer is YES – You can have sex even if you have a baby inside. All Your Questions About Sex During Pregnancy, Answered Here:

Is SEX safe during pregnancy?

Your practitioner is the best person to answer this but sex during pregnancy is safe ensuring you don’t have any complications. If you have any medical history like miscarriage etc, please make sure that you speak and tell the doctor.

Does SEX hurt the baby?

If your doctor has given you a green signal to make some love in the bed, then it is perfectly ok. Your baby is nowhere near where the event takes place and also the amniotic sac keeps your baby warm and protected. Also, don’t be embarrassed your baby can’t see or hear anything. You’re safe. Have fun.

Sex eases pain, discomfort and may help in labor

Does pleasure help in labor? What! Yes, you read it right. Having an orgasm spurs your uterus to contract. Also, since orgasms signal the release of oxytocin, a hormone that can increase your pain tolerance, they can help with those backaches and other pregnancy-related pains. So, next time don’t say NO.

Sex during pregnancy improves sleep and helps in postpartum recovery

Before the baby arrives, get enough sleep and sex is one of the best ways to help you relax and get proper sleep. Also, sex is really beneficial in postpartum recovery as well because it can help tone your pelvic floor, you’re preparing your body for both childbirth and recovery — just by having orgasms.

There are a lot of questions that come to our mind about pregnancy sex, few are answered here. For more write to us or drop a comment!

Pregnancy sex is not going to be the same like other days but it’s worth experiencing.

*Please consult your doctor before going for it.*

Have Fun!