Pregnant in the summer ? Well, whether it is summer or winter pregnancy both have their own pros and cons. 

Let us take you through the best and not so best things that happen if you are pregnant in the summer. 

Reasons why being pregnant in the summer is a fantastic experience.

Seasonal Fruits

Get yourself ready to eat the most amazing fruits and vegetables. Fruits like watermelon, melon, litchi, mango, oranges etc. have loads of fibre in them and will also help you to stay hydrated. get ready to have some natural into of Vitamins. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very essential during pregnancy for the development of your baby’s bones, teeth, kidneys, heart and the complete nervous system. Summers will help you have the most natural form of Vitamin D. Don’t forget to put on your sunscreen.  

Outdoor Exercises

You will have plenty of outdoor exercise to keep yourself super active. be it walking, swimming or yoga. It will decrease the risk of delivery problems and will definitely assist you in burning calories in order to maintain a healthy weight. Do not miss outdoor activities during pregnancy as it will help you to shred your pregnancy weight post delivery. 

Summer Clothes

It is the time to show off your bump. Make the most of summers and wear your best short dresses, shorts, loose t-shirts, summery floral maxis and bikini. Summers are best if you love to wear comfortable loose clothes. 

Cons Of Summer Pregnancy


When you’re pregnant, you already radiate a lot of heat. So summer heat makes it really difficult for pregnant women to cope up. It makes you feel more warm which could add up the irritation levels.


It is quite normal to swell during pregnancy. Summers add up to that. So, avoid standing for long hours, wear comfortable shoes, keep yourself hydrated and remove any body hugging jewellery.


The most common issue in Summer Pregnancy is dehydration. It can cause irritability, headache and fatigue. Keep your refrigerators full of juices, ice, water and fruits. Drink a lot of fluids. Also, you can massage your face with some ice.