Pregnant? Healthy Snacks For Pregnancy Cravings

Pregnancy hunger is a real thing. Sometimes you don’t feel like eating anything and sometimes your cravings take a toll on your patience levels. Moms-to-be also doesn’t want to put that extra kgs while munching when they feel like it, so here we are with some healthy pregnancy snacks to sort your pregnancy cravings. Yummy in mummy’s tummy!

Fruits with cheese and peanut butter

Intake of fibre is highly important during pregnancy. It’s best for a mom-to-be to include vegetables when she’s pregnant. Take a bowl full of your favourite fruits like apple, strawberry etc. and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or cheese cubes and relish it.

Tortilla chips with guacamole or salsa

For a pregnancy crunch craving, choose whole-grain, higher-fibre tortilla chips. Dip them in guacamole or choose salsa dip. If you don’t love avocados, protein-rich bean dip is a good option. Baked chips are better for you than fried.

Yoghurt with fruits and nuts

Want enough calcium for strong bones and teeth then add a cup of yoghurt as your pregnancy snack. Rather than flavoured yoghurts with lots of sugar add fresh fruits and nuts to your yoghurt. Also, top with fruit, like berries, diced peaches in 100% fruit juice, or raisins.


Start with yoghurt or milk as a base for one of your daily servings of dairy. Then add bananas or berries. (Use frozen ones to make your smoothie thicker.). A scoop of peanut butter gives you protein. Cocoa powder can make it chocolaty without getting too sweet. Mummas, it’s healthy bhi aur tasty bhi.

A pregnant mother’s body goes through multiple changes. It is difficult to say what to eat when but we hope we helped you a little with your pregnancy cravings. Eat healthily, stay fit mommy-to-be.