Pregnancy; Importance Of Water

Let’s raise a toast to being pregnant! Cheers to wine, NO, cheers to water!

It becomes essentially important for all moms-to-be to take enough water. Make sure your water is filtered. As a mom-to-be, it is more important than ever to stay properly hydrated by drinking at least 10-15 glasses of water daily. In these tough times, when the world is fighting against pandemic Covid-19, stay hydrated!

Here are a few benefits of drinking water during pregnancy:

1. Decreases your risk for urinary infections

2. It prevents constipation and dehydration

3. Prevents headaches, cramping and dizziness

4. Minimizes swelling of the feet or ankles and softens your skin.

You will pee a lot, but who cares now we are at home.

Keep a jug of water with yourself and add a twist – some lemons , frozen raspberries or a slice of your favourite fruit.

Stay hydrated over the next few months, you’ll be setting your little bundle of joy up for a healthy life outside. Cheers to H20 for a healthy pregnancy.