Your new human is all set to stay with you forever. These initial days, months and years with this being is going to be so special and life changing for you as parents. You would definitely want to capture those tiny fingers, nose, smile and their cute funny gestures and make them the memory of a lifetime. 

It’s absolutely ok if you do not want to invest in a photographer for it and want to do it all on your own. 

We will help you with a few DIY things which you can do to take that best shot of your little one : 

Early is the best 

Those early days are the best for you to take the pictures. The baby’s are so small and unaware of anything that you would be able to get some really extra nice shots. The ideal time is when the baby is 5-10 days old. Most of the time they will be sleeping and can easily pose for you without much hassle. 

Decide on the theme

Keep your ideas ready beforehand. You will find thousands of ideas on the same. Decide on a theme and get your baby dressed for the same. Just make sure that the baby is well fed, sleepy and warm. 

Choose the lighting 

Day time is the best time to do the shoot. Choose the best lighting corner in the house, where you get the maximum sunlight. You may use the sheer curtains of the sheets to enhance the light a little more. 

Try different angles 

Take as many pictures as you can. keep trying the different angles. Be creative and keep moving yourself 360 degrees. You will definitely get that best shot. 

Patience is the key 

Your test of patience has just started. Keep patience and keep going with the flow once the short starts. 

Keep it simple. Take ideas from Pinterest. Also, remember the actual and final result might be different. So go easy on yourself. Your baby is the most beautiful one.