Maternal Mental Health: Why It Is Important To Know

The pandemic has completely changed the way we live, causing stress for not just those who already experience mental health concerns, but for others too. It has impacted expectant mothers the most causing psychological distress. This is alarming and something that needs attention.

We know the importance of providing a fun environment for children but what we don’t focus on is the importance of looking after the mother. There are mothers who are struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety, mothers who are in the whirlwind of infertility or the mums who have experienced loss maybe today. It is important to know what all mothers go through. If you think you can’t help, then you’re wrong. Maybe your little help brings some peace to her. Start with this.

Talk to her

This time she doesn’t need any advice or suggestion. She just needs an ear. Someone who can listen to her. Tell her that you don’t have the solution, but you can listen to her 24*7. Make her comfortable so that she’s real with you. This pandemic and maternal health anxiety can be overwhelming. If you care, lend an ear.

Social media chatter but no real understanding

Try to keep her away from social media. She can definitely go into mom guilt by looking at activities from other moms. Maternal health causes a mom or expectant mom to compare herself with others. Keep her away from social media chatter and be real with her.

Space for vulnerability

Keep an open mind, be realistic and do not be pushy. She might say negative things, might feel if the world is falling apart and trust us – it is natural. She is facing depression and anxiety. Give space to her vulnerability. She wants some to say OK every time she makes a claim.

The last few months have been marked by loss and grieving — of losing jobs, life goals and plans and most importantly loved ones.

This is the time to show extra love, care and affection to a mom, who’s the strongest yet feeling the weakest.

We are just one message away. 24*7 in services for moms, who need help. It is highly important to address a maternal health issue.

Start Now. Take Help!
