Delivery: Hospital Bag Checklist For Moms-to-be

The day is finally here! Mommy, you’re soon going to meet your little munchkin. While you are stressed and anxious and hardly care about other things, the hospital bag checklist should be up to date.

Your hospital bag will provide everything at your disposal during your delivery but keeping essential and comforting things is not harmful. So, here we are to guide you on what to keep in your hospital bag.

When to pack a hospital bag

Moms-to-be are advised to pack their hospital bags three weeks before their delivery due date. Packing well in advance makes you more confident and prepare for the unexpected.

What the hospital provides you

Let’s look at the items that the hospital will provide you pre and post-delivery.

For moms, hospitals generally provide:

*Hospital Gown


*large tumblers for ice and water

*massagers, stability ball and other labor equipment

*basic toiletries like soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, etc.

*maxi pads


*pillows, blankets, and sheets

*post-care items like ointments, witch hazel cotton pads, etc.

No need to unnecessary pile up your hospital bag with things that are already provided by the hospital.

Things to leave at home

You will be in pain and will not be aware of most of the things so leaving a few things at home is important.

*Rings, earrings, and other jewellery


*Laptops or tablets

*Too much loose cash

Now comes the important part – what to include in the hospital bag for mothers

*Your ID

It is the most important document for you to carry besides your insurance paper. You would obviously need ID proof to get admitted to the hospital.

*Past prescriptions

Pregnancy/medical history and other past prescriptions are highly important for the doctor to see before you deliver the child.

*Nursing wear/pyjamas

Though the hospital provides a maxi gown your own nursing wear is comfy and it would instantly help you in breastfeeding once you deliver the baby.


Like mentioned before, the hospital does provide basic toiletries, but you should also carry the ones that you use on regular basis and which gives you more comfort.


Get your own. Nothing else can feel as comfortable. And remember to buy full coverage maternity panties because you will be wearing pads for some time.


The hospital might not have the brand or type you prefer, so pack yourself a packet. Also, you can’t use tampons after delivery.

*Nursing bra

Whether or not you breastfeed, your breasts will be plump and leaking during the first few weeks. Carry a nursing bra for support and easy access for breastfeeding.

*Breastfeeding cover

You will have a lot of visitors. So it’s a good idea to pack a nursing cover to feel more comfortable during the first feedings.

*Nursing Pillow

Since you are brand new at this, you will need some extra help to support the baby’s head while breastfeeding. A nursing pillow is a godsend!

*Going home outfit

Pack a cute nursing dress or a pair of nursing tops and pants for a grand entry to your home. Everybody will be waiting for you, so make it count.

Can’t wait to hear your delivery stories! Good luck mommy.