Abortion Law By Supreme Court : The Beginning Of The End

Abortion is a highly sensitive and emotional subject for any woman across the globe. And it is one of the most opinionated topic. The recent declaration by US Supreme Court on Abortion rights, has created a mammoth across the globe. In simple words, the constitutional right to an abortion, is no longer valid in the country. 

Why abortion must be legalised ?

  1. No one has a right to decide about anyone’s body.
  2. It is their body and their choice. 
  3. The trauma of having an unwanted baby is unbearable. 
  4. The ban would surely not reduce the number of abortions. 
  5. Abortions are necessary to save the life of a woman. 
  6. Abortion should be legalised, if it is putting a woman’s mental & physical health on risk. 
  7. Abortions are very important when the pregnancy is due to rape. 
  8. Abortions are necessary when the foetus is known to have some mental or physical disability. Like down-syndrome, etc. 
  9. It is important when the woman is not financially strong to support the baby. 
  10. Abortion is a basic health care. 

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