Pregnant or not Pregnant ?? Pregnancy symptoms may differ from one woman to another. Many of you might have them within days of conception, while others have to wait a few weeks before they appear, and a lucky few have no discomfort at all.

Here are some of the most common early pregnancy symptoms:

Missed Period

If you are the one whose periods are always on time but for this. Then likelihood you are pregnant. This might be your first sign. So hurry up and take the home pregnancy test.


Mild uterine cramps are another common symptom that some of you might experience early in pregnancy.

Vomiting and Nausea

Morning sickness can occur early in pregnancy. So, this might be an alarming symptom for you.


Bloating is a very common early sign of pregnancy. The hormonal changes in the early pregnancy might leave you to feel bloated and uncomfortable.

Sore Breasts

Sore or swollen breasts are one of the common signs of early pregnancy. You might feel that your breasts have suddenly become big and sensitive.

Mood Swings

Mood swings and pregnancy go hand in hand. If you find yourself in the ocean of emotions do not worry. It’s very common during pregnancy. You might experience good and bad at the same time.


Feeling tired without doing anything? Please blame it on your progesterones. One of the early signs of pregnancy is that you might feel exhausted quite often.

  • By Khyati Nayak