Pregnant: All About C-Sections


Finally, you are in your last leg of pregnancy. We are sure you can’t wait to bring your little bundle of joy into this world. So, mamas whether you have a natural delivery or a C-sec or you choose to have a baby through C-sec; it is completely your choice. 

Here, we are answering your questions if you are having a C-Sec baby:

Will I Be Awake During the C-Section Procedure?

Cesarean, will most likely be able to have an epidural or spinal block and remain awake during the baby’s delivery. Sometimes during an emergency cesarean, the mom will be put to sleep under a general anaesthetic to ensure a safe and fast cesarean delivery of the baby. You won’t feel pain or pressure, see or hear your baby being born.

Does a cesarean section leave a scar on the abdomen?

YES, a cesarean section leaves a smile-shaped scar on the lower abdomen that is hardly noticeable. The scar which is going to stay forever. Remember your scar is your superpower. 

Can you eat before a C-section?

Get advised by your doctor. Generally, it is advisable not to eat anything solid 6–8 hours before the surgery. You can drink water, tea, and juices, but no later than 2 hours before the time set for the procedure. Having food or liquids in the stomach / by healthy food can cause nausea and vomiting. 

What Is the Recovery of C Section?

It is major surgery. 7 layers of your stomach will be cut to pull your little one out. You might feel tired. You might have some kind of soreness around the incision. Do not skip your medicines prescribed by the doctor. Your vitamins are very very important for you. You might feel constipated and gassy and might have a hard time getting around and/or lifting your baby

Does having a cesarean section lead to health problems in the future?

Most women who have had a previous c-section have no problems in future pregnancies. But slight back pain or body pain may arise. It is thus advised to take extra precautions and rest up to 40 days after delivery. 

Tip: Your initial post-delivery days are very important. Make sure you take all your vitamins in time and rest as much as you can. Ask for help and don’t take the burden of doing everything on your own. You have done your bit by giving birth to a human being.