Trying To Conceive: Here’s How To Stay Calm & Positive

Your childbearing friend’s posts about the reveals and baby images are probably driving you insane on social media. And these wicked social media apps are of no use if they just end up making you feel anxious. At this moment of anxiety, hop on to the blogs Chicmomz as we just have the right guide for moms-tp-be that will help you calm your nerves and offer you some reality checks.

Take a break

If Ross and Rachel can do it, you can do it too. Take a break from social media. The more time you’ll invest there, the more anxious and helpless you’ll feel. So, manifest time in reading fiction and binge watch some Korean trending series gurl!

Journals are your bffs

Write your heart down. Scribble, write poems, paras, which will help you figure out your feelings and in turn relax your mind and body. Take a session of journal writing whenever you feel your anxiety is escalating and you will definitely feel calm after this session.

Learn Meditation and Yoga

Being in the current moment, rather than focusing on the past or worrying about the future, helps to relieve stress. Yoga and meditation are both good methods for clearing your mind and preventing unpleasant thoughts from spiralling out of control. Basic Asanas of Yoga, such as breathing methods, can make a huge effect.

Embrace your hidden Art

We are a gumball machine of talent, so go out there and start that hobby you left in the midway. Enrol in a cooking class, go for mandala workshops or just paint your heart out. Fill yourself into the art of creativity that your little bundle of joy will surely admire.

Oh, And don’t forget the sex! Sex will decrease your stress and without any unwanted pressure, just go wild mom-to-be but yes consult your doctor first! Happy conceiving.

(Written By: Aayushi Moudgil – Intern)