Pregnancy: How Dads Can Be Supportive During Labour For Moms-To-Be

The day of the birth is all about mama and baby! Right? Is it so?

Well, as a parent or a partner it might be difficult to see your loved one in pain, but a caring dad can provide calming support by actively participating in his partner’s labour. After all, the birth of a baby is one of your life’s most joyful moments.

Some of the most helpful things you can do for your partner or MOM-TO-BE.

Be Prepared

If you are becoming a dad for the first time, and experiencing butterflies in your stomach, then it’s ok. You just need to educate yourself for labour, and childbirth. So read books, browse the internet, speak to your doctor or watch videos to make yourself mentally prepared to take part in your life’s most precious activity.

Be There for Her

Uplift your wifey by telling her that she is doing a fantastic job. Play cards or board games to divert her attention. At this point, a gentle massage or acupressure would be nirvana. Stay by her side.

Be Aware, What She Wants

Her mood swings! How can you forget about that?

Before you go into labour with your partner, talk to her. Because you’re the only one who understands her needs and can inform the midwife. If she has any special birth plan, just bring it to the hospital with you.

Be Flexible

While some labour techniques work for some women, they may not work for your partner. So as a father-to-be, your role is to figure out what works and to be willing to give up what doesn’t. Later, while keeping her wishes in mind, you’ll be able to take command from your baby’s mama.

These key things can make your baby’s mama say “YOU ARE THE BEST DAD AND PARTNER IN THIS WORLD”

Tell us; don’t you want to hear that?

(Written By: Ashmita Chauhan – The Intern)