Things No One Tells About Being A New Mother

Life becomes a magical fairy tale after a mother holds her baby in her arms is what every woman gets to hear. During this time of daydreaming about creating a beautiful family, not once do we stop to wonder what the challenges might be. Nobody tells that motherhood is darn hard work and at this point, all a mother needs are comfort and support from her loved ones. So, today we share things that nobody shares about being a mother. You can thank us later.

You may feel vulnerable

Postpartum depression Is real and normal. Discomfort and uncomfortable emotions are natural experiences in the transition to motherhood. At this time, when a new mom is experiencing all kinds of physical and mental transitions, she needs the support of her loved ones and most importantly women around her.

It may not be love at first sight

It’s OK to admit that your baby isn’t the beauty you thought it would be. This doesn’t mean you won’t love your child. Give yourself time to experience the motherly aspect. You’re not a bad parent if instantly you don’t feel a connection. Give time to yourself.

You’ll be judged – every time

People will form opinions about your parenting and you also might doubt yourself. Listen to what your heart says because it only gets tougher because your own family members may judge you. From breastfeeding your child and choosing clothes to choose what’s right, judgements would be about everything. Pick and choose what works for you and your family and disregard the rest. 

Your sex life will be on hold

Though intimacy isn’t just sex, usually it’ll take some time to reconnect with your partner after the child is born. It’s easy to push your romantic relationship to the side, so take care and regain intimacy before it gets too late. Slow down and start over. Talking explicitly to your partner might help.

You might feel guilty

At many steps of motherhood, you might feel guilty. Sometimes for not dedicating enough time, sometimes for not understanding the needs of the child, sometimes for not being an ideal and sometimes the societal pressures would make you feel so. You need to realize that there is no guide or template as to what needs to be done to be a perfect mother.  Celebrate your personal experience and learn from your own failures.

You may bleed after weeks of delivering the baby and hence adult diapers and pads will be your best friends, you may also still look pregnant post-delivery as well and also you might feel tired all the time. It is true that motherhood is wonderful and you’ll get a hang of it but honestly, everything is not just peaches and roses.

These are the things you should know about in order to have a better understanding of what will help you become a better mom and person.

Anyway, congratulations! You’re going to be just fine. Love yourself and believe because you’re a mother and you’re the strongest.