A Husband’s cheat sheet for pregnancy sex

Anxious, if you’ll be able to have fun while your wife is carrying a child inside? The answer is yes, but you may require this nine-month pregnancy sex guide to keep the fun going.


These are critical ones as the mother and the child are tender. Be protective, careful and pamper the duo a little more in the initial phase. Mom-to-be might feel lethargic, nauseatic and vomiting, which really are a turn-off.

Bodily Changes

Her bodily changes might attract you as her breasts grow. But, hold on do not start off without consulting the doctor. Also, she might get a little hornier, which may lead to some athletic sex. Up for it? Note: If any bleeding occurs, no intercourse until she has consulted her doctor.

Crazy Hormones

An expecting mother’s libido begins to bloom during these phases and she starts having sex dreams. She might wake you up in the middle of the night for some erotic fun.

Mood swings

It is all not rosy. Pregnancy brings a lot of chemical changes along with mood swings. Hormonal rushes provoke mood swings. She might get mad at you for many things – like the wet towel, your socks and sometimes nothing. Tip: Listen and keep quiet.

Don’t be scared

Feel free and safe to try pregnancy friendly sex positions. The cervix is sealed, protecting the fetus from infection, and the amniotic fluid and uterine walls shield the baby from even your most impressive thrusts. She’d have the best climax too after pregnancy sex.

Do not take chances when the baby is about to pop

Do not go for sex when she’s just about to pop. You can try oral sex. Stimulating her nipples and genitals can help bring on contractions.

You can have some of the best sex experiences when she’s pregnant and do not shy away as the baby can’t listen. Kindly consult your doctor before you go for it.

Have a lovely night!