Pregnant In Covid: How Not To Panic

Due to pandemic Covid 19, the whole world is under stress. Surging of the coronavirus cases and an alarming situation in India has worried many, especially moms-to-be. Expectant mothers feel uneasy by the news, not to mention the social distancing guidelines which require them to adopt self-isolation. These are stressful times.

If you are freaked out, that’s normal. But, here are a few tips moms-to-be can put into practice during this unprecedented time.

Avoid the constant news updates

Of course, it’s important to keep up to date with the official guidelines for pregnant women during this pandemic. But constantly checking the latest updates will only feed your anxiety. Only focus on what you really need to know and avoid unnecessary news updates. Indulge yourself into fun-light-easy shows and films.

Be in constant touch with friends & family

Cancelling baby showers, not going on a babymoon and being isolated at home is not easy. But, remember family and friends always have your back and are there to support you. Talk to someone you love about how you’re feeling.

Focus on your health

Do not ignore yourself at this time. Drink plenty of water, stay active by doing prenatal yoga, establish regular sleep habits. Put incense sticks in your room and have a good book to read.

Remember that this too shall pass

There has been a lot of speculation about when this pandemic will end. Try to remember that this is not your job. All you need to do is focus on the fact that it WILL end, eventually. Focus on taking things one day at a time and be confident that you’ll get through this, too.

Be in constant touch with your doctor/ midwife

If you feel anxious a lot or have panic attacks during pregnancy, it’s important to ask for help. Tell your midwife or doctor about how you feel. They will help you access the right treatment and support if you need it.

Be safe. Be happy. This shall too pass.

We are always here for help.

Reach out to us on our social media.
