Raising a Baby Girl, Daddy? Things To Know

Having daughters is one of the greatest joys one could imagine. For all little girls, their dads are their superheroes. But, raising daughters seem to be a daunting task. So, here are a few things all dads should know.

Make Memories

Do silly things with her. Play with barbie dolls, put nail paint, get involved in her school activities, sports events etc. Work together in the house. Fill up your daughter’s emotional journal with memories of being with her dad. She’ll love it.

Be Her Role Model

You have an influence on her future partner. So, watch your actions carefully. The qualities you embody will influence your daughter’s future relationships with men. Don’t focus only on her looks; pay attention to what your daughter says, thinks, feels and dreams.

She’s Watching How You Treat Her Mom

If something you should always remember, then this is it. She notices everything. So, even if things are bad, fight for your marriage and make it your priority. Love your wife, go out on dates, take trips and show your little ones that she is a bigger priority than they are.

She Wants To Be Loved

More than she wants the stuff you can buy her or the things you can teach her, she wants you to love her. Look her in the eyes and tell her that you love her. On the other hand, do not pamper her but make her do everything. All the things that boys also do. Always remember, that only an open-minded father can raise the most confident girl.

This is the most beautiful time in a man’s life and we all should cherish it. You’re lucky, you’re a father to a daughter. May the girl of fortune brings a lot of good luck to the family.