Rainbow Baby: What To Expect

Losing a child for a pregnant woman is a devastating and dark experience. A woman completely breaks after passing through such a turmoil. Hence, a ‘Rainbow Baby’ is a baby, which is born after a miscarriage, stillborn or neonatal death. Just like a rainbow, this baby too brings lots of colours and a ray of hope for a mom-to-be. To bring a life into the world after such a loss is a miracle and beautiful time for these parents.

What to expect when having a ‘Rainbow Baby’:

Fear & Anxiety

If you are pregnant with a ‘Rainbow Baby’, you will probably experience a lot of fear and anxiety. This is natural; but, you have to remember that the ‘Rainbow Baby’ is going to come with a lot of hope and sunshine in your life. Also, this is the time to be fearless and overcome all your negative feelings.

Being Secretive

Losing your child is not easy. It is super hard to overcome such a loss; hence, most of you will try to hide your pregnancy, which is totally alright. Do not feel ashamed or guilty about it. This is another way of protecting your child (only if you choose to do so). 

Being extra careful

While pregnant with a ‘Rainbow Baby’, you will not leave any stone unturned to protect your child. Talking with the doctor, who knows the history and asking for certain accommodations, can be helpful. There are ways that help you through it in the most supportive way possible.

Reach out to friends and family

The best thing you can do is express your feelings. Do not feel shy or awkward talking to your friend or your family members about your pregnancy.

Spend time with your partner

Remember this is not just your loss. Your partner might not feel the chemical changes in the body, but he definitely goes through the same kind of emotions. At this time, you both can support each other in the best ways possible.

There is no right or wrong way to have a rainbow pregnancy. The only thing you need to remember is that this ‘Rainbow Baby’ is bringing lots of joy, good luck and happiness in your lives.

Have a healthy and safe pregnancy.