Pregnancy Announcement: A Few Ways To Break Out The Good News

How does it feel when you are trying for a baby and you finally miss your periods! The bell rings and you take that pregnancy test. Wowwwww !!! It is positive.

Excited? Nervous? Shocked ? Mamas-to-be we know you just can’t wait to share this news with dads-to-be.

Here are few creative ways to announce the news : 

1. Gift him the positive pregnancy test kit.

2. Mention the news in the fortune cookie.

3. Order diapers at home.

4. Make a handmade card.

5. Say it with a treat.

6. Bake a cake or a cupcake with”you are going to be a Dad”.

7. Put a slip in his lunchbox.

8. Gift a customised T-shirt/Mug.

9. Tell him with a pair of new baby shoes.

10. Tell him with a book “A practical handbook for new dads”

Do let us know your ideas of breaking this big news.