5 ways to enjoy New Year’s Eve even if you are pregnant

New Year is here!

Celebrations are here!

Being pregnant does not preclude you from having a good time on New Year’s Eve. In fact, you have every reason to rejoice and greet the New Year and new beginnings, because you have so much to look forward to!

Here are some ideas to make sure you don’t miss out on the celebrations even if you are pregnant!

A short vacation

A babymoon or vacation before the birth of your child is a fantastic idea at any time of year. Book a weekend or staycation at a city resort, if you can’t get away for a longer time. Go on a short vacation with your husband.

Go out and party!

If you are a party person then staying back at home would be tough for mom-to-be. Plan a Party or go to a friend’s party. Have good food and enjoy the evening.

Go on an evening short drive

For your and your baby’s safety, your family will not advise you to go out a lot while you’re pregnant. However, if you haven’t gone out in a while, ask your companion to take you on a romantic evening short drive for a change of pace and have a nice time on New Year’s Eve!

Write for your unborn child!

If going out to parties or travelling isn’t your idea of a good time then you could make use of this time to reflect on your new life post pregnancy. Write a passionate letter to your unborn child once you’re comfy, and try to explain your thoughts and feelings in it during your tranquil New Year’s at home.

Binge watch your favourite!

If writing isn’t one of your favourite pastimes, though, sitting at home with your husband might be just as enjoyable. Bring out the old DVDs of your favourite movies and series, or simply watch them online with a friend.

Since it is the holiday season, you could also splurge and get a pizza!

Choose any of them according to your convenience or should we say according to Mood Swings of a mom-to-be. However, if you want to have an outing and go somewhere, check with your doctor before making any travel plans. After all, the safety of you and your child is paramount.

Whichever option you choose, make sure you embrace the changes and have a good time and fun on New Year’s Eve in any manner you can!

Written By: Ashmita Chauhan
